Smous reserves the right to cancel any order for which payment has already been received. This may occur if stock is insufficient or the quality of goods does not meet Smous’ standards. Should Smous exercise this right, the customer will receive a full refund.
Any complaints regarding the standard and quality of products bought by the user should be sent to admin@smous.online.
Orders are accepted via online placement at www.smous.online. Payments can be made via direct EFT, SnapScan or credit card at the time of placing the online order.
You may also pay via EFT by selecting Offline Payment as the payment option, and then forwarding the proof of payment to orders@smous.online. Delivery will not take place until proof of payment has been received and the funds have cleared our business account.
We also accept cash, credit card or SnapScan on delivery of your order.
We do not sell liquor to anyone under the age of 18. You may be requested to provide positive proof of identification at time of delivery. At any point in time, we may use our discretion to refuse any order. We will not be liable for any offence you might take to this. In the event that we cancel the order as a result of you being underage, we will provide a full refund.
We will accept unopened goods that you would like to return subject to receiving a notification by email within 3 (three) days of the goods having been delivered to the address you provided for delivery. Contact us by email at admin@smous.online, specifying the item/s you would like to return and the reason for the return. We will arrange to have the item/s collected.
Please ensure that you receive confirmation that we received your communication within 1 working day to make sure that the 7 days are not exceeded. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please call us using the contact phone number on our website.
Please note:
Refunds will be made using the same payment method used to pay for the goods at the time of ordering.
All items must be in the original packaging and in the same condition as received.
Items ordered in sets, cases or boxes need to be returned unopened and in the same condition in which they were delivered.
No opened products may be returned.