Stretton's Triple Berry Gin (750ml)
Introducing Strettons Triple Berry, a delightful and fruity twist on the classic gin that is perfect for anyone who loves a vibrant and refreshing cocktail. This gin is infused with a blend of three delicious berries, including raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, which gives it a rich and juicy flavour.At the core of Strettons Triple Berry lies a high-quality gin that has been expertly crafted using the finest botanicals. This gin has a smooth and refreshing taste that is perfectly complemented by the bold and fruity notes of the triple berry infusion.Whether you’re mixing up a refreshing cocktail or sipping it on its own, Strettons Triple Berry is a gin that is sure to impress. It pairs beautifully with tonic water, lemonade, or your favourite mixer, making it a versatile spirit that can be enjoyed in many ways.
Sold as a single 750ml bottle.